“Age of Conversation 3” will soon be released, and I’m honored to be one its 170 or so contributing authors.
Each of us has written a chapter on how social media has changed the world’s business practices. The chapters have been grouped into sections, including “Innovation and Execution,” “Measurement,” and “Conversational Branding.”
I call my chapter, “A Fast, True Way for Creating Content.” The idea behind it is this: Yes, we want to be part of the conversation and, yes, we want to be thought leaders. But sometimes we just get stuck and don’t know what to write. I share a simple method I’ve used for years that helps me create content even when I’m under the gun.
Below, you’ll see a list of contributors with links to their sites or blogs, so you can get to know them. I see old friends, like Nettie Hartsock and Tom Clifford, and new ones like Toby Bloomberg. I’m excited to meet everybody.
By the way, Drew McLellan and Gavin Heaton expertly co-edited the book, and Gretel Going and Kate Fleming (who were contributors to “Age of Conversation 2”) of Channel V Books are generously publishing it.
The profits from the sale of the book are being donated to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.